Societatea Națională de Neuroștiințe
SNN Memebership fee:
- The yearly SNN membership fee is 150 RON.
- For junior members (students, PhD students) the membership fee is 75 RON.
Please select the membership fee. You will be automatically redirected to our secure online payment gateway:

Alternatively, you can pay by bank transfer to: “Societatea Nationala de Neurostiinte” BANCA COMERCIALA ROMANA (BCR), 90-92 Calea Plevnei, S1 Bucharest, Romania RON-IBAN : RO51RNCB0071011441080001, CUI: 13812735
Regardless of the paying method, please send a copy of the transfer statement by email to the SNN treasurer:
Lect. Dr. Denise Carmen Zahiu