The National Neuroscience Society of Romania is co-organizer of the FENS Regional Meeting (FRM2019), Belgrade, Serbia, 10-13 July, 2019 (https://www.fensfrm2019.rs/)
SNN in partnership with the International Brain Research Organization (IBRO) (IBRO/) offers 10 travel grants to encourage the participation to FRM2019.
The SNN-IBRO travel grants, will reimburse a maximum of 500 Euro/grant, pending the receipts of transportation, accommodation and registration costs.
Eligibility criteria:
• The applicant is a member in good standing of the National Neuroscience Society of Romania (SNN)
• The applicant is the first author of an abstract submitted to FRM2019 and confirmed as accepted.
• The applicant presentation resulted from a work fully/partially done in a Romanian institution.
The following documents are required:
• A short CV including the publication list
• A copy of the abstract accepted to FRM2019
• A recommendation letter from the supervisor / senior scientist
Priority will be given to early career scientists.
Applications should be sent as a single email with all attachments to: contact@snn.ro within a week after receiving the FRM2019 abstract acceptance letter.